Collaboration and Exchange of Ideas is Critical to Innovation and Advancement

New Steadman Clinic Surgeon Shares Thoughts on AAOS and His Passion for Research
Before Dr. Armando Vidal joined The Steadman Clinic this May, he was a top - rated orthopaedic surgeon in Denver, specializing in complex knee surgeries. Now, he is a top - rated oprhopadic surgeon in Vail. Dr. Vidal recently attended the annual American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) meeting held in Las Vegas.
“I taught a cartilage instructional course lecture there,” said Dr. Vidal. “I also listened to some great talks and went to research-related meetings. I think this type of meeting is critical. It’s how we exchange ideas to take back to our practices. The collaboration is how we innovate and advance.
“AAOS is also important from a patient perspective. We’re always thinking of ways to optimize our outcomes, not just from a surgical perspective, but also biologics and rehab. I think it’s important as a provider that we are always learners first and that we’re constantly trying to keep up to date. As a patient, you want to know your provider is always trying to hone their skills to be the best at their craft. I think that these meetings help make that possible.”
Dr. Vidal says research is a key part of his practice. That’s one reason he looked forward to joining The Steadman Clinic and Steadman Philippon Research Institute (SPRI). He was excited about the proximity and the way the two organizations work hand in hand to bring medicine from bench to bedside.
“A lot of my research focus parallels my clinical interest,” said Dr. Vidal. “It’s looking at the outcomes of cartilage restorative procedures and the biomechanics. I’m involved in several industry trials that I think hold a lot of promise in cartilage reconstruction repairs. My research and clinical endeavors align well with SPRI’s mission. SPRI’s infrastructure will allow me to explore questions in a way that I never could before.”
Dr. Vidal says it’s fun to be a part of the revolution of cartilage repair. Most of the growth of research for progress in knee surgery is going to be involving cartilage, and SPRI is at the forefront of finding answers.
“There is no certainty when we’ll find the exact answer,” said Dr. Vidal. “It’s like watching The Jetsons. You look back and say where’s my flying car, where’s Roxy my robot maid? It’s cool to predict the future but in reality, it’s a very difficult path. We’re close to having the answers, but it’s going to be evolving for generations. Thirty or 40 years from now I’m going to look back and say we were so primitive in 2019.
“You think of big revolutions in life—the industrial revolution and the Internet and how they have changed our lives. I think the world of biologics and cartilage repair will be life changing as well. We’re going to look back on this era of orthopaedics and say, wow, that was transformative. I think the collaboration at The Steadman Clinic and SPRI may be the answer. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have joined this team.”
Before Dr. Armando Vidal joined The Steadman Clinic this May, he was a top - rated orthopaedic surgeon in Denver, specializing in complex knee surgeries. Now, he is a top - rated oprhopadic surgeon in Vail. Dr. Vidal recently attended the annual American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) meeting held in Las Vegas.
“I taught a cartilage instructional course lecture there,” said Dr. Vidal. “I also listened to some great talks and went to research-related meetings. I think this type of meeting is critical. It’s how we exchange ideas to take back to our practices. The collaboration is how we innovate and advance.
“AAOS is also important from a patient perspective. We’re always thinking of ways to optimize our outcomes, not just from a surgical perspective, but also biologics and rehab. I think it’s important as a provider that we are always learners first and that we’re constantly trying to keep up to date. As a patient, you want to know your provider is always trying to hone their skills to be the best at their craft. I think that these meetings help make that possible.”
Dr. Vidal says research is a key part of his practice. That’s one reason he looked forward to joining The Steadman Clinic and Steadman Philippon Research Institute (SPRI). He was excited about the proximity and the way the two organizations work hand in hand to bring medicine from bench to bedside.
“A lot of my research focus parallels my clinical interest,” said Dr. Vidal. “It’s looking at the outcomes of cartilage restorative procedures and the biomechanics. I’m involved in several industry trials that I think hold a lot of promise in cartilage reconstruction repairs. My research and clinical endeavors align well with SPRI’s mission. SPRI’s infrastructure will allow me to explore questions in a way that I never could before.”
Dr. Vidal says it’s fun to be a part of the revolution of cartilage repair. Most of the growth of research for progress in knee surgery is going to be involving cartilage, and SPRI is at the forefront of finding answers.
“There is no certainty when we’ll find the exact answer,” said Dr. Vidal. “It’s like watching The Jetsons. You look back and say where’s my flying car, where’s Roxy my robot maid? It’s cool to predict the future but in reality, it’s a very difficult path. We’re close to having the answers, but it’s going to be evolving for generations. Thirty or 40 years from now I’m going to look back and say we were so primitive in 2019.
“You think of big revolutions in life—the industrial revolution and the Internet and how they have changed our lives. I think the world of biologics and cartilage repair will be life changing as well. We’re going to look back on this era of orthopaedics and say, wow, that was transformative. I think the collaboration at The Steadman Clinic and SPRI may be the answer. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have joined this team.”