5 Daily Exercises to Improve Posture: Enhance Your Health and Confidence

Maintaining good posture isn’t just about appearances—it’s crucial for overall health and well-being. Poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances, back pain, and can even affect your breathing and digestion. However, with consistent effort and a few simple exercises, you can gradually correct and strengthen your posture....

Essential Pickleball Stretches to Prepare Your Body for the Court

Pickleball has quickly risen to popularity—it’s an accessible sport that people of all ages can enjoy. But like any sport, it’s important to warm up before you play. Pickleball involves quick movements, agility and constant changes in direction, making it essential to focus on specific stretches that warm up your muscles and...

Prepare Your Golf Game with a 15-Minute Full-Body Routine on the Range

You might think a golf warm-up is hitting shots on the driving range and practicing some putts before you tee off, but before you reach for your clubs, you should integrate a proper warm-up. Golfers who warm-up before they swing are more likely to exhibit enhanced flexibility and improved swing mechanics. They’re also at a reduced risk for...

How-To Improve Mobility: An Easy 20-Minute Morning Routine

Mobility is an essential factor in people’s long-term longevity, so focusing on your mobility—no matter your age—is a great daily practice. And improving mobility doesn’t always require complex exercises or hours at the gym. With a few simple steps integrated into your morning routine, you can enhance flexibility and...

Preparing for Golf Season: Essential Exercises for Golfers

With the return of spring, golf enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the start of a new season on the turf. However, before you dust off your clubs and head out to the course, it's essential to ensure that your body is ready for the physical demands of golf. Targeted exercises and stretches will help you prepare for golf season and provide you...

How to Get the Most Out of Your Spring Snowsports Experience

As the winter season begins transitioning into spring, skiers and snowboarders eagerly anticipate sunnier skies, warmer temps and lighter layers. While spring skiing and snowboarding offer unique opportunities to enjoy warmer weather and softer snow, it's essential to prioritize safety to ensure a fun and injury-free experience. Whether...

Hydration and Joint Health: The Crucial Connection You Need to Know

Hydration is often associated with overall health and fitness, but you might not know that it’s also essential for joint health. Staying adequately hydrated plays a vital role in maintaining healthy joints and preventing discomfort and stiffness. We'll explore the connection between hydration and joint health, individuals’ unique...

Why does Walking Speed Matter?

Did you know that walking speed is an indicator of your health? Many clinicians are now considering walking speed—also referred to as gait speed—as a vital sign, just like body temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. There have been several studies investigating the correlation of gait speed and overall health, including a...

The Importance of Incorporating Workout Recovery Days

In the pursuit of fitness goals—especially at the beginning of a New Year—it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that more is always better. As an orthopaedic practice, we know that rest and recovery are just as crucial as the actual workout sessions. Recovery days play a pivotal role in allowing your body to repair,...

5 High-Impact Exercises for Time-Efficient Workouts

We all know that finding time for exercise can be a challenge. We also know how important exercise is to our overall health and well-being. But just because you’re short on time doesn’t mean you have to skip your workout. The below exercises meet at the intersection of maximum impact and tight schedules, which makes them perfect for...

5 Lower Body Stretches to Enhance Recovery After Skiing and Riding

After a day on the slopes, you might be focused more on your aprés ski destination than stretching. But skiing and snowboarding can put significant strain on some of your most essential lower body muscles, which can lead to tightness or even injuries if they don’t get a proper recovery. Incorporating a quick, basic stretching...

Tips for Improving the Comfort of Your Ski Boots

As ski season begins and we all get our gear out of storage, many of us grimace at the thought of putting a rigid ski boot back on. While many newer ski boots have improved technology for skier comfort, purchasing brand-new equipment is costly and even boots fresh out of the box aren’t a perfect fit. Here are some tips for improving the...

4 Healthy Energy Snacks to Power Your Workout

Whether you’re planning an endurance workout or want to stay energized while you’re on the slopes, snacks with a balance of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats to fuel are a delicious way to fuel your workout and help with recovery. Here are some energy snack recipes that are quick and easy to prepare, and some are perfect to...

How to Prepare for Ski and Snowboard Season

With major U.S. ski resorts opening in early November this year, it’s time to begin preparing for the slopes. Variable conditions in the early season are also a great reason to begin training, so you can be responsive and alert on the hill. Skiing and snowboarding require strength, balance and endurance—getting physically prepared...

Mindful Movement: Elevate Your Fitness Practice with Mindfulness

The idea of slowing down and being mindful might seem counterintuitive to a fitness routine. We often associate exercise with intensity, sweat and pushing our limits. But incorporating mindfulness into your fitness routine can actually enhance your routine. By merging the principles of mindfulness with physical activity, you can experience...

10 Tips to Prevent Injuries from Sitting at a Desk All Day

Many of us spend the majority of our workday sitting at a desk—you might be sitting at a desk right now! While just sitting at a desk may seem harmless, prolonged sitting can actually lead to a range of health issues and even potential injuries. But don’t worry, we’ll explore ten effective tips to help you prevent injuries...

8 Ways to Incorporate Fitness as a Family

In orthopaedics and sports medicine, we’re often talking about fitness as it relates to athletes and senior citizens, but fitness is important for all of us, including children. With the return of school and busier schedules, it can be challenging to not only find time to connect as a family, but also to prioritize fitness, so we’ve...

Understanding When to Ice an Injury and When to Apply Heat

Injuries happen, whether people are competitive athletes or simply going about their daily activities. When faced with pain, swelling or discomfort, knowing whether to reach for an ice pack or a heating pad can greatly impact your recovery. In this article, we'll delve into the science behind when to ice an injury and when to apply heat,...

7 Essential Stretches You Can Do Every Day to Improve Flexibility

When was the last time you stretched, aside from before or after exercise? Incorporating a simple stretching habit into your daily routine can have numerous benefits, from enhancing flexibility and reducing muscle tension to promoting relaxation and overall well-being. In this post, we will explore seven of the most important stretches that you...

Beating the Heat: A Guide to Avoiding Heat Illness during Exercise and Sports

As the temperatures continue to rise through much of the country, it’s important to keep heat safety in mind while exercising outdoors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , an average of 658 people succumb to extreme heat each year. Heat illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke, are a serious...

How to Improve Grip and Wrist Strength

The feeling is familiar—lifting a frying pan with one hand tilting, and trying to smoothly slide the contents onto a plate; a wobbly foundation under a side plank in yoga class. Our hands and wrists are vital to our everyday lives—our grip strength influences our ability to hold, manipulate and control objects. And strong wrists...

The Benefits of Running and Essential Tips for Injury Prevention

Running is a fantastic form of exercise that offers numerous benefits for both the body and mind. It's a versatile activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. However, like any physical activity, running carries the risk of injuries. In this article, we will explore the incredible benefits of running and provide...

The Importance of Integrating a Cool-Down into Your Fitness Practice

Maintaining a consistent fitness routine is beneficial to your overall health and well-being. We often focus on high-intensity workouts, striving to push our limits and achieve new milestones. However, in the pursuit of fitness goals, one essential aspect that is often overlooked is the cool-down. A cool-down is a vital part of any exercise...

Mud Season in Colorado: Activities to Enjoy Between Seasons

Mud season in Colorado is a period of in-between, when winter sports have mostly ended and summer activities are just beginning. This transitional period between late April and early June is characterized by melting snow (increasing mud!) and unpredictable weather. Despite the muddy trails, mud season is often a favorite time of year for many...

How Mindfulness Can Help You During an Injury

An injury can be a difficult and stressful experience, both physically and mentally. The process of healing and recovery can be challenging, and it's important to take care of your whole self—including your mind and body. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay focused on the present moment, reducing stress and anxiety while...

6 Tips for Keeping Your Joints Healthy from Within

Maintaining healthy joints is essential for our mobility, flexibility and overall quality of life. While there are many factors that contribute to joint health, nutrition is one of the most important tools we can use to help keep our joints healthy. From adding certain food types into your diet to keeping yourself hydrated each day, here...

5 Techniques to Help Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?   Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition caused by repetitive hand and wrist movements. Pressure on the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel in the wrist—a narrow passageway comprised of bones and ligaments—causes CTS. Symptoms include numbness, tingling and...

Simple Ways to Improve Ankle Stability

Your ankles have a lot of responsibilities—balance, mobility, absorbing force, supporting your weight—and weak ankles can be more susceptible to sprains than healthy, strong ankles. We’ve put together some simple tips for strengthening the muscles and ligaments within your ankles to not only help prevent rolls and sprains,...

Are We Still Walking 10,000 Steps a Day?

You’ve likely heard that you should be setting a goal to walk 10,000 steps every day. While the goal to move consistently throughout the day is great, the 10,000-step goal is actually rooted in a 1960s marketing slogan from a Japanese step-counter: “Let’s walk 10,000 steps a day.” From there, 10,000 steps stuck with other...

What is Foam Rolling, and Why Should I Do it?

One of the most important aspects to maintaining an active lifestyle is taking care of your body. From the warm up, through the exercise, and into the cool down, it’s crucial to take care of your muscles and joints. You may have heard of “foam rolling” as an effective recovery method, but you may not know how to get started....

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: What's the Difference?

You may have heard the terms orthopaedics (also spelled orthopedics) and sports medicine used interchangeably, but they are actually two different subfields of medicine. So, what is different about these specialties, and is it significant when you’re pursuing treatment for an injury or musculoskeletal condition? It’s About...

Snow Means Go: Getting Ready for Ski Season

With the arrival of winter in the mountain region, you’re probably anxious to strap on your sticks and hit the slopes. But, there’s nothing quite like the pain following the first day of skiing if you haven’t prepared for it. Sore muscles that haven’t been used in months? Achy joints? To avoid this familiar fate, here are...

Dynamic Stretching: The Key to Staying Injury-free During the Fall

Before you participate in all the fall activities you love, don't forget about the importance of warming up. While stretching should be part of your exercise routine year-round, it's especially crucial as the weather gets colder. Understanding the types of stretches you should be doing is key to maximizing their effectiveness. Before you...

Tips on Successfully Recovering from Hand and Wrist Injuries

A hand or wrist injury can make everyday tasks seem impossible. We often don't think twice about opening a jar, turning a knob or gripping a steering wheel. But when an injury limits our abilities, we face a new set of challenges. The best way to overcome these challenges is by getting treatment fast and finding ways to adapt your...

A Comprehensive Guide to Your Hip Joints

Your hips are one of the most important joints in the body, serving many purposes, from bearing your weight to providing a wide range of mobility. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint made of two bones: the femur and the pelvis. The femur serves as the ball-like head, which fits perfectly into the cup-shaped acetabulum of the pelvis. The...

A Comprehensive Overview of the Shoulder Joint

Due to the flexibility of the shoulder joint , your arms are able to move in almost any direction, allowing for a great range of motion. However, this flexibility also makes your shoulder joint more susceptible to dislocations, instabilities and other injuries. Diving a little deeper into the inner workings of your shoulder joint may...

A Comprehensive Guide to Your Ankle Joints

Our ankles are one of the most important structures in our body, playing a crucial role in our mobility and enabling us to perform activities as simple as walking and running and as complex as playing sports and dancing. The ankle is comprised of several bones, ligaments, and tendons that work together to create a joint that is both flexible and...

Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Knee Joint

The knee is the largest joint in the body and is responsible for bearing most of our body weight. This joint also allows us to perform a wide range of motions, from standing and walking to more sophisticated movements like squatting and jumping. In addition to being the largest joint in the body, your knee is also one of the more complex...

The Benefits of Seeing an Orthopaedic Provider

We all know the internet is a powerful tool. With a simple Google search, you can find information on anything and everything. But when it comes to your orthopaedic health, don't be so quick to DIY. In many cases, watching stretching or therapy videos or Googling your symptoms may do more harm than good. Why? Without a personalized diagnosis...

How To Prepare for Golf Season

Golf season is in full swing, and with this year's Masters Tournament in the books, you are probably itching to get on the green. But before you tee off, there are a few things you should do to prepare yourself for a safe golf season.   1. Check Your Golf Equipment If you haven't played in a while, it's good to give your...

Easy Warm-Up Stretches Before a Workout

You may already know how important it is to keep your body active, but did you know that one of the most critical aspects of working out is often overlooked? The biggest mistake that people make when working out is forgetting to properly warm up the appropriate muscles beforehand. Fortunately, there are several easy warm-up stretches you can try...

How to Prepare for Mountain Bike Season

As winter comes to an end and the days start to get longer, many of us are excited to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather. For mountain bikers, this means it's time to start thinking about getting our bikes and gear ready for another season of riding. After being cooped up all winter, we can finally get those tires back on the dirt...

What Are Insoles, and Do I Really Need Them?

There’s a good chance you’ve heard of insoles before, but you may not be entirely sure what they are or what they do. In short, insoles are inserts that go into your shoes to provide extra support and comfort. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, depending on their intended function. Whether or not you've heard...

Why Strengthening Your Core Matters for Joint Health

Your core is known as the powerhouse of your body, and strengthening your core has many benefits, including better posture and stability. But what many people don't know is that core strength is also crucial for joint health. When your core is weak, your body compensates by using other muscles to do the job. Unfortunately, this can lead...

Winter Safety Tips: Stay Warm and Safe in Cold Climates

As the cold weather rages on throughout much of the country, there's no doubt that staying warm is at the top of everyone's mind. However, there's more to winter safety than simply bundling up, especially if you live in an area that regularly drops below freezing this time of year. Keeping people active is one of our top priorities,...

Get SMART About Staying Active in the New Year

The new year and holiday season is often a time for resolutions and goal setting. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is being more active , either to run more, join a gym or pick up a new kind of exercise. But how do you make sure that you stick to your New Year’s resolution and stay active in 2022? One proven way to...

Tips on Keeping Active During the Holidays

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year. With a jam-packed schedule, family potlucks and seemingly-endless holiday travel, it's easy to push self-care aside. However, staying active during the holidays can help you avoid aches and pains, maintain your fitness routine and take better care of yourself into the new year....

Is Working From Home Causing Carpal Tunnel?

Ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of employees have adjusted to working from the comfort of their homes. Although it has been nearly two years since the beginning of the pandemic and millions are now vaccinated against COVID-19, remote working has remained commonplace for many Americans. Despite the extensive...

9 Tips for Preventing Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries

It's almost that time of year again! While we all look forward to a good time on the slopes, we also know that the winter sports season comes with an increased risk for injury. In fact, injuries are so common during ski and snowboard season that it has been referred to as a "seasonal epidemic." To help keep our patients safe on the...

The Importance of Preventative Care

For athletes and recreationists alike, a major injury can be devastating, and so many injuries are largely avoidable through preventative care. Preventative care, also called prehabilitation , is a proactive approach that focuses on improving strength, flexibility, and motor control in injury-prone areas on the body.   Benefits of...

Importance of Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy after Surgery or Joint Replacement

After any major surgery or joint replacement, an essential step in recovery is rehabilitation. Rehabilitation services are necessary for people who have lost the ability to function normally due to an injury, stroke, infection, tumor, surgery, joint replacement, or a progressive disorder.   Purpose of Rehabilitation Post Surgery The...

Protect Your Child's Spine During the Back-to-School Season

In the beginning of a new school year, parents are probably focused on fitting all of their child’s new school supplies in their backpacks, but they may not be thinking about the damage and pain their backpacks can cause. Backpacks are the number one culprit for back and shoulder problems in children. The weight of a typical backpack...

What to Expect During Post-Op: A Reference Guide

There are multiple variables that affect your post-operative care plan, including what kind of surgery you have, your overall health and fitness levels before the procedure, if you are a competitive athlete and more. The goal of post-operative care is to ensure that the surgery was successful and to make sure that the incision site properly...

How to Tell if You’ve Sprained Your Ankle

From walking on uneven surfaces to wearing improper shoes to participating in competitive athletics, there are many ways to twist and sprain your ankle, making it one of the most common injuries in the United States. It is important to understand if you have sprained your ankle and the severity of the injury, as up to 75% of initial ankle...

X-Ray or MRI: A Diagnostic Imaging Guide

Diagnostic imaging is a non-invasive test that produces a detailed picture of areas inside the body to help doctors diagnose various conditions. Some of the most common imaging tests include MRIs and X-rays. While these imaging tests share similar technology, there are key differences between the two tests, including the type of injury or...

Why Does My Knee Hurt When Running?

Running is not only a great cardiovascular exercise, but it also strengthens joints and protects them from degeneration. On either side of the spectrum, studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle or long exposure to high intensity running are both associated with hip and knee osteoarthritis. However, runners in the middle of this range...

Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Joint Pain

Inflammation not only causes discomfort and stiffness, but it can also negatively impact your daily life, inhibiting you from doing the things you love most. Medications can only go so far in helping to find relief if you aren’t feeding your body with the proper nutrients. Several foods may help reduce your inflammation. Here are four...

Beginner-Friendly Stretches for Back Pain

If you suffer from back pain, you are not alone. According to the American Chiropractic Association, an estimated 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. It may occur anywhere along the spine or in the adjoining muscles and can vary drastically in intensity and frequency. Depending on your type of back pain, you may...

How to Know if You’ve Injured Your ACL

Some of the most common knee injuries are sprains or tears of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). Any knee injury can be painful, but ACL injuries are especially debilitating, often leaving the patient unable to walk without surgery. If you’ve experienced a traumatic knee injury leading to instability, there’s a chance...

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